
August John Lutz II

Hometown: Bucks County, PA


Current Project(s)/Band(s): Levee Drivers, Dirty Dollhouse & Cheap Dates (new project with Chelsea Mitchell)

Instrument(s) you play: Guitar, Harmonica

What else do you do in the Philly music scene? Harass other Philly bands I like!


Location of Photos: Barcade

What does this location mean to you?: I usually go there after playing or seeing local shows. It's a nice place to wind down, drink, and not have to talk too much!


Favourite Place in Philly: Bourbon & Branch Green Room

Favourite Watering Hole/Coffee Spot: Fergie's Pub

Favourite Restaurant: AMC Neshaminy Movie Theater Concession Stand

Favourite Cheesesteak Place: Jim's Steaks

Favourite Pizza Spot: The Valley (Bensalem, PA)

Favourite Philly Record Shop: Main Street Music

Favourite Philly Venue: Johnny Brenda's


Favourite Recording Space: Dial Back Sound, Water Valley, MS

Favourite Philly Band(s): Satellite Hearts, Birdie Busch, Ceramic Animal, Mat Burke & The Painkillers, Foxhound, The Lawsuits, TJ Kong & The Atomic Bomb, The Districts, and anything Brad Hinton is involved with.

Favourite Philly Guitarist? Paul Maroon from The Walkmen

Best show you’ve seen in Philly: The Walkmen at Union Transfer for their 10th Year Anniversary Tour


What are you listening to now: Neil Young's Hitchhiker and The Deslondes' Hurry Home


Life motto: Keep it simple

Random Fun Fact: The developer for the arcade game Phoenix is unknown.

Childhood Dream Job: Songwriter/Producer

Pets: 1 cat named Townes


Future plans: To release as much music as possible and to get married.