
Ellen Tiberio-Shultz

Location (Philly Neighbourhood): West Philly 

Hometown: State College, PA


Current Project(s)/Band(s): Ellen Siberian Tiger,  Rosu Lup, Maitland, Mother Moses, Two Girls,  Resilient

Past Project(s)/Band(s): Arielle Vakni

Instrument(s) you play: Guitar, Cello 

What else do you do in the Philly music scene? I teach voice, guitar, cello and intro piano lessons to people all over Philadelphia! 


Location of Photo(s): My home in West Philly

What do those location(s) mean to you?: My house in West philly is special to me because I live there with 5 other incredibly inspiring and creative musicians. It's where I've done almost all of my practicing and writing, where I've felt the comfortable and creative. 


Favourite Place in Philly: Does the Wissahickon count?

Favourite Watering Hole/Coffee Spot: Satellite Cafe 

Favourite Restaurant: Sitar India 

Favourite Cheesesteak Place: Hibiscus, for their spicy vegan cheesesteak 

Favourite Pizza Spot: Blackbird

Favourite Philly Venue: Johnny Brenda's 


Favourite Philly Band(s): Kenny3, Soupy, Vita and the Woolf

Best show you’ve seen in Philly: when Tune Yards played Boot & Saddle 😍


What are you listening to now: Crumb, And The Kids, Betty Everett, Rihanna, Childish Gambino 


If you could sum up in one sentence what Philly / Philly music scene means to you, what would it be? As a queer, feminine-presenting person, I've been delighted, esp in the West philly DIY scene, to find myself feeling supported, encouraged, and inspired by the musicians around me. 


Childhood Dream Job: Lead Singer/rockstar... that or a high school English teacher 

Pets: My Parent's sweet, sweet little terrier named Lucy, and my roommate Evan's precious cat, Simone. 


Future plans: Record another full length album! Go on tour!  Rock climb at Yosemite!