
Sean Gill

Location / Neighbourhood: Chinatown, PHL

Hometown: Cheverly, MD


Current Project(s)/Band(s): Square Peg Round Hole, Caracara, Stadium Armory, Timur and the Squad

Instrument(s) you play: Vibraphone, drums, electronics

What else do you do in the Philly music scene?: I try to send out as much love and support as possible to the people I care about and inspire me.


Location of Photos: The Metalshop, Fishtown

What does this location mean to you?: It’s a studio shared by members of Modern B and Sorority Noise, both huge inspirations to me, where Caracara rehearses and recorded our LP. I have only ever felt optimistic and inspired here.


Favourite Watering Hole/Coffee Spot: Double Knot. And I don’t even like coffee, but the cocktails are so good.

Favourite Restaurant: Wishbone. I take everyone there. The mac and cheese will solve all your problems.

Favourite Pizza Spot: Gusto forever (22nd and Spruce)

Favourite Philly Record Shop: Creep seems to me like everything you could want a record shop to be. I’ve had nothing but good times there.

Favourite Philly Venue: It would be Mantua Yacht Club (RIP), but of currently existing places, probably Goldilocks Gallery. It’s such a surprise in every way. Giant, bare room above a center city gallery with rad bands and $2 beers.


Recording Space: Can I just say Fishtown? The Metalshop, Miner Street, and Headroom are all such great places with great people.

Favourite Philly Band(s): Hop Along, Shannen Moser, Air is Human, and my love for WC Lindsay will never ever die.

Best show you’ve seen in Philly: WC Lindsay at Ortliebs summer ’15 I think?

If you could sum up in one sentence what Philly / Philly music scene means to you, what would it be?: We’re all in this together.


What are you listening to now: ‘Jobs’ by Slaughter Beach, Dog; ‘Petal’ by Every Time I Die; and ‘Time For You’ by K Flay


Life motto: Taken from Rupi Kaur: “your art is about if your heart likes your work if your soul likes your work it’s about how honest you are with yourself and you must never trade honesty for relatability"

Random Fun Fact: 'Hybrid Theory' by Linkin Park was the first CD I ever owned, and I was completely obsessed with it for years.

Childhood Dream Job: Dinosaur

Pets: I borrow my friends’ dogs.