
Wesley Bunch

Location (Philly Neighbourhood): Fishtown

Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA


Current Project(s)/Band(s): Suburban Living

Past Project(s)/Band(s): I played in a couple bands filing in on bass or guitar in You’re Jovian, We are Trees, CRUISR, Hello Shark for like 4 shows.

Instrument(s) you play: Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, stuff like that

What else do you do in the Philly music scene? A couple of my band members book shows at Bourbon and Branch and The Barbary. I DJ shows from time to time. Try and get as much free beers?


Location of Photo(s): My apartment

What do those location(s) mean to you?: It’s where I wrote probably 80% of our new record coming out. I rearranged my computer and instruments around 10 times while writing just switching up the vibes and workspace. This place is big, which was perfect for just sprawling out and moving around. I used to write music in a tiny space that I couldn’t rearrange. It drove me nuts.


Favourite Watering Hole/Coffee Spot: Reanimator

Favourite Restaurant: Khyber

Favourite Pizza Spot: Beddia

Favourite Philly Record Shop:  Long in the Tooth

Favourite Philly Venue:  Johnny Brenda’s


Recording Space: I usually demo stuff at my house and record with Jeff Zeigler at Uniform Recording.

Favourite Philly Band(s): Someone just showed me this band Blue Smiley and that stuff is great. Nothing’s new record is great too.

Best show you’ve seen in Philly: Craft Spells at Boot and Saddle last year was great!

If you could sum up in one sentence what Philly / Philly music scene means to you, what would it be? Everyone says it - but its so true: The Philly music scene is incredibly inclusive. All love. It’s pretty amazing.


What are you listening to now:  I’ve been into this band OMNI a lot. We played Brooklyn with them recently and they rip. I’ve also been on a big Van Halen kick. 5150.  Chris Cohen, Whitney, WALL are some new jams I’ve been into too.


Life motto: Don’t get lost in the sauce. 

Random Fun Fact: I hate rollercoaster. Like seriously, fuck rollercoasters. I get hated on so much for this and I’m over it.

Childhood Dream Job: Being the fastest runner ever

Pets: Nope :(


Future plans: Tour and sleep...

New Album Out October 7th, 2016 via 6131 Records